Fly Pest Control Sydney

Fly Pest Control Sydney

Fly Pest Control Sydney

Flies & Maggots

Fly Pest Control Sydney – Flies in Sydney are a common pest that may households deal with, especially during the summer months.

What may not be realise is that flies carry nasty bacteria. When they land on food they leave deposits of  disease-causing organism.

What illnesses can be caused from flies?

Some of the illnesses caused by flies include

Where do flies breed?

Flies breed in bacteria filled areas such as faeces, human food waste and garbage and often very close to humans and animals.

Scientists predict that a single fly can carry roughly 60 different diseases and can transport over a million bacteria on its small body.

What do flies look like?

Adult flies range from  8–12 mm in length; their  thorax  is grey, with four long dark lines on the back. The entire body is covered with hair-like projections.

What are Maggots?

Maggots are the fly’s larvae.

What do maggots look like?

They can be easily recognised by their cream body. Maggots have a slender head and a thick blunt rear end.

There are 2 small openings towards the rear which look like kidney beans and are used to breathe and eat dead tissue.

When do flies breed?

Fly Pest Control Sydney – Flies breed in large numbers during the warmer months. Once a good source of food is found, flies will begin to breed, and maggots will hatch.

The fly lays its eggs, often in food, so that when the eggs hatch, there a food source for their hatch-lings.

What do maggot hatch-lings look like?

The maggot hatch-lings are approximately 2 mm in length and continue to grow until they are about 15 mm in length.

What does it mean if I see maggots?

If you see maggots then there is either rotting food, waste matter or a dead animal nearby.

Follow the direction the maggots are coming from to find the food source. However, it is important to note that maggots can travel long distances, so you may not find the food source.

If the source of the maggots is found, always wear gloves when removing it to protect yourself against infection or disease.

Steps to reduce flies

  • Clean up all pet and animal faeces
  • Properly dispose of food waste
  • Left-over food on plates, scrape into a plastic bag and dispose of immediately
  • Compost heaps – add sawdust to your compost bin which will help absorb moisture
  • Only use bins that have a tight closing lid
  • Bag all rubbish, and tie off before placing in bin
  • Rinse empty bottles/cans before placing in recycle bin
  • Fruit Trees – Pick up any fallen fruit
  • Don’t over water houseplants

How to get rid of flies

  • Keep doors and windows closed, unless you have fly screens
  • Always keep food covered
  • Immediately clean up food or fluid spillages
  • Clean under kitchen appliances

How to keep flies away

  • Keep drains clear and running
  • Pour bleach down drains that flies are attracted to
  • Do not leave water standing e.g. in watering cans
  • Keep gutters clean

Steps to reduce maggots

  • Install fly screens
  • Use a bin in the kitchen that has a tight-fitting lid
  • Clear away any uneaten food immediately
  • Don’t leave pet food uncovered
  • Place any soiled nappies in a double sealed bag
  • Keep any outdoor bins in a shaded area
  • Wash your wheeled bin weekly
  • Pour bleach down your sinks & bath once every two weeks

How to get rid of Maggots

Below are some tips of killing maggots  without chemicals

  • Place a napkin over the maggots and step on them
  • Sweep maggots into a bucket and pour boiling water over them
  • If you notice maggots in your carpet, use a steam cleaner, the steam brings the maggots to the surface
  • Fill a plastic container with beer and place it where you see the maggots. (the maggots crawl into the beer and drown)

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